3.0.2 Upgrade Guide

v 3.0.1 -> 3.0.2 Upgrade Guide

The 3.0.2 release is a small update which is easy to upgrade to.

Simply download the latest version from BuiltByBit. Extract the zip and copy over the following files to your existing installation, replacing the old files:

  • pyproject.toml

  • embeds.yml

  • settings.yml

  • cogs/moderation/message_logger.py

  • cogs/music/player.py

  • cogs/tickets/close.py

  • cogs/tickets/utils.py

Configuration Changes

Instead of replacing settings.yml, you can perform the following changes on settings.yml:

  • Remove hasteserver and hasteserver_timeformat from the bottom

Instead of replacing embeds.yml, you can perform the following changes on embeds.yml:

  • Remove message_delete_hastebin_title, message_delete_hastebin_description and message_delete_hastebin_attachment

  • Remove message_edit_hastebin_title, message_edit_hastebin_description and message_edit_hastebin_attachment

  • Change message_longdelete_log to

    # Additional %author%, %author-mention%, %author-id%, %author-avatar%, %deleter%, %deleter-mention%, %deleter-id%, %channel-name%, %channel-mention% and %deleted-after% placeholders available
      title: "🗑️ Message Deleted"
        - ["Author: ", "%author-mention% \n", false]
        # Deleted by field will not be added if the user deleted their own message
        - deletedby: ["Deleted By: ", "%deleter-mention% \n", false]
        - ["Channel: ", "%channel-mention% \n", false]
        - ["Deleted After: ", "%deleted-after% \n", false]
      thumbnail: "%author-avatar%"
      colour: "normal"
  • Change message_longedit_log to

    # Additional %author%, %author-mention%, %author-id%, %author-avatar%, %channel-name%, %channel-mention% and %edited-after% placeholders available
      title: "📝 Message Edited"
      description: "[Go to message](%message-url%)"
        - ["Author: ", "%author-mention% \n", false]
        - ["Channel: ", "%channel-mention% \n", false]
        - ["Edited After: ", "%edited-after%", false]
      thumbnail: "%author-avatar%"
      colour: "normal"

Last updated