2. Download and Setup

Download ZeoBot

  1. Visit our BuiltByBit page and press download. You must be logged in with the account you purchased ZeoBot on.

  2. Navigate to your downloads folder and unzip the bot archive.

  3. Open settings.yml and insert your bot token and your license key into bot_token and license respectively.

Join our Discord server to obtain your license key.

Configure ZeoBot

Use the detailed configuration files to configure the bot to fit your needs. Follow the guidance of the comments to help you configure the bot, however if you need any further assistance, do not hesitate to join our Discord server for help.

You can configure settings in settings.yml, permissions in permissions.yml and commands in commands.yml. You can also configure embeds in embeds.yml and components in components.yml.

Ensure all the channels and roles you configure in settings.yml and permissions.yml exist on you server.

Last updated